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Fresh like a breeze  

Moisture control

wool & other materials


What is Moisture control?

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2 Eslahi, N., Dadashian, F., & Nejad, N. H. (2013). An investigation on keratin extraction from wool and feather waste by enzymatic hydrolysis. Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 43(7), 624–648.

3 Qiu, J., Wilkens, C., Barrett, K., & Meyer, A. S. (2020). Microbial enzymes catalyzing keratin degradation: Classification, structure, function. In Biotechnology Advances (Vol. 44). Elsevier Inc.

4 Ammayappan, L. (2013). Eco-friendly Surface Modifications of Wool Fiber for its Improved Functionality: An Overview. Asian Journal of Textile, 3, 15–28.

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10 Jones, L., & Rogers, G. (2009). 2. Structure and Composition of Wool. Wool Biology and Metrology. 

11 Rice, R.H., V.J. Wong, and K.E. Pinkerton. 1994. Ultrastructural visualization of cross-linked protein features in epidermal appendages. Journal of Cell Science.:1985-1992.

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13 Jones, D., & Brischke, C. (2017). Nonwood bio-based materials.

14 Mathison (1964), as cited in Brown, R. M. (1994). The microbial degradation of wool in the marine environment.

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16 Matsunaga, R., Abe, R., Ishii, D., Watanabe, S. I., Kiyoshi, M., Nöcker, B., Tsuchiya, M., & Tsumoto, K. (2013). Bidirectional binding property of high glycine–tyrosine keratin-associated protein contributes to the mechanical strength and shape of hair. Journal of structural biology, 183(3), 484-494.

17 Hearle & Peters (1963), as cited in Brown, R. M. (1994). The microbial degradation of wool in the marine environment.

18 Martin (1990), as cited in Brown, R. M. (1994). The microbial degradation of wool in the marine environment.

Modified in 27th May, 2024.

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